Join the Alberta Herbalists Association
AHA’s main goal is “To Enhance and Protect the Practice of Herbalism”
We need your support in various ways to grow AHA! In return you will be part of our inclusive community of herbal enthusiasts as well as reap the many benefits of your membership!
Take Action
Herbal students, Professional Herbalists, and anyone who is interested in plant medicine, who cares about the ecological state of our planet and grows/uses herbs to support their health and wellness can join and support AHA!
We need YOU! We need your monetary support, your volunteer skills, your positive energy, input and attendance at our events, on our committees, and through actively using and promoting the benefits of herbal medicine.
We also want to partner with co-creative minded, natural health businesses in North America to create a strong network of support for our members, and the herbal profession as a whole in Alberta.

Advance government and public awareness of herbal medicine as an accepted option for preventative care. With a focus on prevention, addressing the root cause of illness while offering patient-centered care, herbalists relieve pressure off Canada’s overly burdened medical system.
Make a
Provide unity through mindful and dynamic guidance and inclusive direction for herbal medicine now and in the future.
Support the practical and ethical research of medicinal plants. This includes that traditional claims remain equally as valid as scientific clinical trials when proving efficacy.
Continue to question and challenge any proposed changes by Health Canada that may decrease accessibility to products on the marketplace, raise prices and
which could affect professional herbalists access to certain products & supplements, and thus decrease access for our clients.
Provide unity through mindful and dynamic guidance and inclusive direction for herbal medicine now and in the future.
Leave a Legacy
By growing and strengthening our unified voice in Alberta and the rest of Canada, AHA, its affiliated associations and it’s members seek to firmly establish Professional Herbalists in the Canadian healthcare system, as well as maintain clinical and public accessibility of herbal medicine for generations to come.

Membership Benefits
Student and Associate Members

Involvement in our dynamic community.
Volunteer for AHA committees (event, membership, marketing).
Serve on the AHA Board of Directors.
Business discounts both instore and on-line at participating businesses that sell herbs, bottles, live plants etc.
Access to mentors
Discounts on webinars, lectures and social events
Student bursaries
Professional Member

All of the above as well as:
Access to professional seminars and on-line events (coming soon!)
Preferred Insurance rates for AHA Professional Herbalists
Professional biography profile on the AHA Our Herbalists webpage.
Increased exposure, credibility and recognition for your practice.
Printable Certificate suitable for framing
Professional designation as a Registered Herbalist (RH)
Business Member

Option to provide a discount or coupon to members
Business logo and business details on AHA business discount page (if offering a discount or coupon to members)
Mention in AHA social media and AHA newsletter
Ability to use AHA logo on your business website
Discount on event table at AHA events