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The AHA Herbal Blog

We have crested the halfway mark of the year and the balmy days of summer are truly here -perfect timing to talk about Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis). Did you see what I did there? Mom humor at its best.

Lemon Balm - Credit Kate Talbot RAc, RH

Lemon Balm, sweet, lemony, fast growing and beautiful, a wonderful addition to any sun tea and a lovely aid to ease you into sleep on those warm summer nights. As it swells over the shelf above my kitchen sink in the beautiful drapery of foliage that few herbs attain, I like to consider and learn about the past of this herb. Lemon balm has recorded historical uses dating back to 1551 (Gerard, 1633) known to comfort the heart, doeth away all the melancholy and sadness. Driving away troublesome cares and thoughts from the mind. And truly when you crush the crisp green leaf in your hand, deeply inhaling the lemony scent there is a feeling of hope and summer.

This deceptively humble herb also has even more profound traditional uses like a spasmolytic for upset stomachs and unfortunate flatulence– helpful for those big summer barbeques (Bone & Mills, 2013). And an easing and fast healing for those skinned knees of bike rides when combined with a couple other herbs and made into a cream (Buhner, 2013). Lastly for the emergence of those nagging summer colds, hot tea made with lemon balm will relax your body into sleep and support your immune system to have you back frolicking amount the clover before you know it (Hoffman, 2003).

Lemon Balm is easily cultivated in your garden, though remember it grows like peppermint so govern it accordingly. Planting it in a hollowed-out coffee can, or the like, is a simple and effective way to prevent runners – keeping it neat, tidy and manageable. To truly reap the most benefits from this garden treat, fresh lemon balm leaves can be used to make a hot infusion, sun tea or tincture.

Balm of skinned knees and sore skin

2 ounces of lemon balm leaf

2 ounces of birch bark

2 ounces of calendula flower

2 ounces of rosemary leaf

Combine the herbs in a crockpot with 32 ounces of water and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 days. Turn off heat and allow to cool completely to strain. Return to heat, bring to boil and reduce to simmer until reduced to approximately 2 ounces (mind yourself, as it burns quickly at this stage). Add 1 ounce of organic bees wax or until consistency. Pour into airtight jar.

Apply 3 to 5 times per day. This will promote healing, reduction in pain, usually within a couple days.

Works cited

Bone, K., & Mills, S. (2013). Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy. Toronto: Churchill Livingstone.

Buhner, S. H. (2013). Herbal Antivirals - Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections. North Adams: Storey Publishing.

Gerard, J. (1633). The Herbal or General History of Plants. New York: Dover Publications.

Hoffman, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism - The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press.

Ross, J. (2010). A Clinical Materia Medica. Wald, Germany: Greenfields Press.


I’m sure you have heard by now the recommendations from Health Canada, and know that preventing the spread of corona virus (2019-nCOV or COVID-19) through human contact is our number one defense against overwhelming the healthcare system. We encourage everyone to protect the vulnerable members of our communities by limiting contact with people outside home and avoiding public areas as much as possible. Frequent hand-washing, of course, is one of our best defenses. Below you can find links to stay aware of the latest information from Health Canada & Alberta Health Services.

Many of us are going to be unable to do the work we’re used to for a while, whether seeing clients, hosting workshops or other in-person activities. Even in isolation, there are so many ways we benefit our communities through our knowledge, care & strength as healers. Keeping up with clients via phone or internet consultation, hosting virtual classes, and creating videos or social media posts are some of the ways I have seen herbalists step up to teach their communities about maintaining health and immunity. If self-care is your jaDear Alberta Herbalists, Members, Supporters & Friends,

I hope that all of you are healthy and safely tucked away at home during this time of isolation, perhaps with a good book or new hobby to keep you happily occupied. Now is the perfect time to focus on healing the healer. It’s also the time of year to get outside and start digging in the garden, boosting our immunity with fresh air and soil microbes!

Because there is no protocol currently in place to deal with the 2019-nCOV virus, there’s been a lot of speculation about the role that herbs and vitamins may play. People are seeking security in unsettling times. This has lead to the sharing of unreliable information & advertising, disguised as advice regarding this herb or that. It is imperative to remember that there is no historical data or traditions pertaining to the 2019-nCOV virus specifically. Herbalists & other members of the Natural Health Industry are not permitted to label any herb or formula with claims to treat, prevent or cure 2019-nCOV. This rule from the NHPD applies to all herbs & extracts for internal or external use, including washes and hand-sanitizers. While anti-microbial properties of many plant & extracts are documented, we do not have the data to apply these claims to this novel corona virus. Please note also that all hand sanitizers or other products intended for disinfection should contain 70% alcohol, in addition to any herbal extracts desired, in order to be effective against the virus.

We can support our clients and communities most effectively by being sources of reputable information, and leading by example with healthful habits and common sense. This is a great time to stay true to the practices at the heart of our traditions! Spread awareness of herbs that support nourishment & vitality, and share the focus of herbalism as on the Person, not the Disease. Enjoy healthy foods, plenty of water and exercise, and keep a healthy frame of mind - the roots of health in many herbal traditions.

Additionally, we at the AHA support the practices of responsible wildcrafting & safety, as amateur herbalists may be out experimenting with gathering & processing their local plants. By helping to provide sound information on safe, ecological wildcrafting practices, we create a better understanding of the true spirit of herbal medicine.

Your AHA board will continue to provide planning, programming and support during the next few months. You can contact us as always via email, , or through the AHA website . Stay Safe, may health & happiness be with you and your family.

Yours in Healing,

Kalyn Kodiak, ClH

AHA President


NHPD (Natural Health Products Directorate) Labeling information:

Where to get Updates about 2019-nCOV /COVID-19:

Support for Albertans during Isolation:

More Resources:

Protocols for Viral Infections by Chancal Cabrera:

Herbalists Without Borders COVID-19 Resources:

Wild Crafting Best Practices

1. Don’t trespass

2. Take care of the land you wildcraft on; pick up trash

3. Make 100% sure that you know what you are harvesting

4. Only harvest what you need and never harvest an endangered species

5. Harvest in season

6. Harvest respectfully and give thanks to the plants

7. Don’t harvest in a polluted area; this includes roadsides

8. Only harvest if the plant community can sustain itself -- Wildcrafting guidelines from


We are sad to announce that three of our board members have stepped down. Kristy Garnet, Rebecca Saunders and Bree Nabholz have moved on to new adventures. Kristy and Bree acted as AHA representatives on our national association the CCHA. Rebecca was Secretary and head of the Marketing Committee. They have all worked tirelessly for years supporting the herbalist community and their contributions will be missed. We wish them the very best with their new endeavors. Although we are sad to see Kristy, Rebecca and Bree leave, we are happy to announce our newest board member. Becki Brouwer has joined as our Interm Treasurer. We are just delighted to have this very talented and skilled addition to our team. Watch for her bio coming to the blog. Kristy and Rebecca's positions on the CCHA are being filled with current board members. However Rebecca's position of Secretary remains unfilled. If you would like to hang out with some talented and enthusiastic herbalists, get free admission to the Alberta Herb Gathering and make a difference in the herbal community, please contact us at

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